When I was in high school, I used to think that PR was all about being attractive, well-dressed, talkative, meeting clients, and having fun ! In fact, after learning so many things in the classroom and three months as an intern in a real-life PR agency, I was proven 90% wrong. Being a PR professional is not as simple as that!
The most challenging task of every PR person is figuring out people’s insights, not just what people want and need, or what they think and see from the outside, but also the capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of a person or thing. Like a psychic, we have to understand the subconscious of every single stakeholder we are targeting, with some logical consideration of course.
Then, what do we do with those insights? Surprisingly, it will be the “core” of all strategies, tactics, even key messages we would create and develop. Take the Vespa brand as an example. We always describe Vespa as an iconic Italian scooter with style, instead of simply calling it a motorcycle brand. That very message was born out of the insight of Vespa fans we have dug out earlier. We know that Vespa lovers seek its “trademark” design, the authentic Italian style that has become a legacy from one generation to another.
Is there any “TANGIBLE” output from those insights? A LOT! Mercy Tahitoe (Mas Ecy) once told me, “About 90% of our job as a PR person is writing.” Every day, we spend nearly seven hours (often more) to write, from press releases, manuals, articles, factsheets, to the smallest things such as emcee scripts, talking points, and others. And all of those things refer to one key message, which has been developed based on the INSIGHT. We also create ideas, campaigns, press conferences, and other events developed based on those insights.
Did I forget to mention that every stakeholder has different insights? Well, our clients, their own target markets, the media--which fall into several categories-- any other circles beside us, have their own insights. It is our job to communicate, act, build messages around those insights so we could establish and maintain a mutually beneficial relationship with each of them and achieve our objectives.
Based on the insights that we have dug out, we create ideas, take actions, and deliver the result to our clients
- This article was written by the happiest intern ever at Praxis because she has already spent three precious months learning a lot of lessons, been given the opportunity to delve into the most amazing real-life PR (she met NBA stars when on duty. LOL), and work with such a great team. She has since felt more confident of becoming a professional PR in the future.
Nathania, Public Relations student, Multimedia Nusantara University