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How PR works during Covid-19 pandemic

11 Nov 2020 | STORIES | 0 Comment
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Covid-19 has changed people’s lives, especially in terms of working. People have to work from home as prevention for not getting infected and as a way to flatten the curve. This new adaptation has also changed in the public relations (PR) sector, whether it gives positive or negative sides. Here are some changes that most PR agencies do during this difficult time. 

1.Online online online

The Covid-19 pandemic has made public relations shift all activities online, whether meeting with clients or campaigning online. Most companies hire PR agencies to increase their online brand awareness and online brand reputation. Besides, the pandemic has created many online businesses. Thus, they need to hire PR professionals to help them in optimising their sellings by using digital marketing and increasing web traffic. 

Through online working, it also pushes the PR practitioners to be more creative through limited budgets. Since some client’s planned programmes need to be cancelled or postponed or shifted through the virtual event, agencies need to adjust the programmes based on the condition, such as virtual media attendance.

2. Don’t miss a little chance even the slightest

This pandemic also benefited public relations as most companies are currently facing a crisis. Thus, they need public relations to plan a crisis communication plan. Since many companies have cut their budget, this will limit companies to advertise their products. Based on a study conducted by PR Week (2020), 63.7% of PR clients have to cut their communication budget with 30.4% of them saying that they have to reduce significantly. Hence, this will affect PR agencies’ revenue since agencies earn their money through pitching and having contracts with companies. Despite that, companies still hire PR consultancies to manage the crisis with a limited budget.

Sari Soegondo, the Co-Head of Association of PR Company Indonesia stated that the demand for public relations during the pandemic is increasing. Hence, during this time, agencies need to be adaptive and come up with new ideas in tackling the crisis as well as fake news and misinformation that often occur during the pandemic.

3. More flexibility, increase workload and stress

The pandemic has allowed PR Consultants to be more flexible and versatile. They will gain new skills, especially in terms of digital skills, such as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), graphic design, or digital marketing. Marr on Forbes (2020) commented that being adaptable, flexible and tech-savviness are one of the skills that will be the most demanded skills during the post-coronavirus world. Furthermore, a survey conducted by Gartner (2020) found out that nearly 30% of marketing leaders believe that the lack of agility and flexibility will negatively impact their businesses. It shows that during the pandemic, PR consultants need to build up their skills in digital and give more flexible strategies to the companies that are currently in crisis.

Despite that, most PR practitioners are facing mental health issues. Based on a survey by the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (2020), 82% of PR consultants in the United Kingdom (UK) agreed that the pandemic has impacted their mental health. Moreover, 50% of them have worked long hours. Regarding this, Schuman (2020) suggested that agencies need to communicate more with their employees regarding the stress.

To summarise, PR practitioners need to be flexible and tech-savvy in this difficult time. Despite the stress, it is a good time for us as communication consultants to learn new skills. 

Do you learn something new during the pandemic?








https://restlessabandon.com/how-to-work-and-freelance-online/ (Photo Source)

Written by: Valerina Sieany
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