I am a month behind my work blog schedule. *sobs* Well, my bosses are not going to kill me because of that, but they will definitely remember this and will never fail to mention it for a couple of months *sobs louder*. But here I am. :)
Originally, this blog should be about how I feel after three (3) years working here, at my beloved workplace, Praxis. However, that changed because after I got carried away with work, deadlines and other things in life lately, my view of work is no longer positive.
Some people may consider a person with three years of work experience (in the same place) may not have enough value (yet) to pursue a career in other or bigger places. But, for others, no matter how long you have been working or studying, you will always be more valuable than you were before. Am I right? (Riii…ght…?)
Of course, sometimes I get bored or enjoy myself too much because I think I already know everything and dismiss other things as trivial. Then, I don’t feel the need to do the extra work, and so I just stop going the extra mile. Who am I kidding? It’s three years in the same environment, meeting the same people, working with the same clients for years and so on, and so on (yet there are people with decades of working in the same company. Pardon my shallowness, I am so Y gen *sigh*)
But, only the other day I came across a video that was really empowering and inspiring.
Click here to see what i'm talking about
I mean, who doesn’t feel like she/he knows anything so they don’t have to always give their best at work? Or, after several years, think that she/he deserves better recognition? Or think they are more valuable now so they deserve better reward/payment? Like, come on. Who really doesn’t? (I am sure, we [yes, me and you, readers!] have thought that thought. At least I have.)
Then again, Xandria Ooi explains it very clearly (and the level of righteousness is very high) that nothing should stop you from always giving and doing your best in whatever you do. Nothing. Not money, not reward, not acknowledgment should control you. Xandria Ooi, I am a fan!
Until then, my love! ☺